Kingfishers Home Learning 22nd May

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 8:58am

Good morning everyone - Happy Friday!

Again, another really impressive day on LBQ yesterday- our numbers of participation are continuing to grow. It is half term week so I will not be posting work online in the mornings however your independent learning sites such as TT rockstars and read theory will still be available for you if you wanted.

Non-stop challenge

Todays tasks


1)Read theory x2

2) Spelling test and submit to SeeSaw.

3)LBQ task - ynf

Maths - Weekly review (Counting/sequencing)

This will combine all objectives from this week. It might be a good idea to watch the video links from previous blogs if you are stuck. Remember to always have a go and then read the feedback carefully.

4) Written task - Final draft.

Submission for this weeks written task is today - upload to SeeSaw as normal. Make sure you have checked for basic errors in grammar and punctuation. Can you use your knowledge gained from your semi-colon lesson to include one into your writing?

5) Afternoon topic web - upload to SeeSaw and then I can upload yourwork to the school blog, You can find the web on yesterday's blog.


Star of the week - 

This week.....




Make sure you check out Mrs Forshaw's Headteacher Nomination video to see who has been nominated.


Have a great weekend and half term everyone - keep in touch!

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