Nursery Home Learning 29th April

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:25pm

Hi Penguins,

It's Wednesday! I hope you're all doing well and keeping busy.

I have enjoyed being in school so far this week and working with some Penguins and even some big boys and girls!

Keep up all the good work on PurpleMash and IXL, you are doing so well!

How are you doing with your challenges about Jack and the Beanstalk this week?
Did you enjoy the story I read? What would you like to hear next time?

Here are your challenges for today:

Challenge 1

Jack found a hen that laid golden eggs every day in the Giant's castle. What would you like to find in the castle if you could climb a beanstalk? Draw a picture and label it then post it on the blog for me to see!

Challenge 2

Have a brilliant day!

Miss Altham


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