Swallows Star of the Week!

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 7:04am

Star of the Week – Swallows


Well done Dario! I must say to all the children out there, Dario has been superstar throughout this period in lockdown. For those that do not know, Dario has been in school throughout lockdown whilst his Mum was working hard, something he knows has not been easy. Alongside another pupil in school, he has maintained focus everyday possible in school and been ready to engage in home-learning throughout, showing some outstanding knowledge with LBQ tasks (particularly this week!).  He has been dedicated to his own learning and ‘motored’ through with a wonderful smile – helping others to get on in a very strange time. Well done Dario, keep working as hard as you can and your effort will be rewarded, starting with ‘Star of the Week!’

I must mention all of you at once here Swallows, I know that soemtimes these blogs might seem to mention only those accessing LBQ / Raed Theory / IXL or Oak Academy, but this goes to all 27 of you! I very much aware that it is very hard to keep to a routine but it is as important as ever through these next few weeks leading to summer. You have done a superb job in such strange circumstances, however it is vital to keep going, not just for yourselves but for your adults at home who care deeply about your future! You are undertakeing everything school throws your way with vigour, I couldn’t be prouder…

Enjoy yourselves this weekend, spread your wings Swallows!

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